Whether you give your time and talents, make a one-time donation, or choose planned giving, there are multiple, valuable ways to help us fulfill our purpose. Every dollar helps and every minute counts toward meeting children and families where they are with the support and services they need. Find the option that works best for you.
Every gift matters. Between now and the end of the year, we hope you will decide to become a CSI Substitute Santa through a one-time or reoccurring year-end donation.
Volunteering with Child Saving Institute offers the opportunity to help children and families in numerous ways, while giving you a meaningful, fulfilling outlet for your time. Choose from a variety of volunteer options and find a way to share your talents and compassion.
Becoming an AUNTY
Formed in 2012, the CSI AUNTYs meet twice a year, exploring which services areas have the greatest need and using their membership dues to better the lives of children and youth served by CSI. Learn more about becoming an AUNTY.
Planned Giving
Did you know there are creative ways to support Child Saving Institute? Ways in which CSI, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time? Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts,” because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and CSI.