Our volunteers are essential to the success of our programs and the future of the children and families we serve. Whether you volunteer weekly or whenever your schedule allows, lending your time and talents to support our programs is a great way to give back to your community.
Current volunteer opportunities include:
Administrative Support
Assist in our office with mailings, filing, and general office work.
We invite you to join AUNTYs — a Giving Circle group of women who meet during the year at a restaurant of their choice or at Child Saving Institute where they learn about the agency and vote on how to use their annual funds to support children.
Host a Baby Shower
Gather essential baby supplies like diapers, wipes, sleepers, cribs and highchairs by hosting a baby shower for the CSI Baby Bucks Boutique.
Donate items for Children’s Backpacks
The Triage Center at Project Harmony donates a backpack to each child who passes through The Triage Center. Items include (travel size where applicable):
Fun items like stuffed animals, fuzzy blankets, coloring books, crayons/colored pencils, playdough, etc.
Event Support
Event volunteers join CSI’s annual fundraiser, Cabaret, and assist with registration and event setup and cleanup. Volunteers also other events such as Touch-A-Truck and Substitute Santa.
Nature Playground and Outdoor Activities
Help maintain the beautiful Nature Playground, which is located at CSI. You can also help us keep our grounds well-maintained and assist with other outdoor activities as needed.
Sponsor a Fundraising Event
Engage your company and support kids! Many employees in the Omaha area have chosen Child Saving Institute as their charity of choice and have organized wonderful activities – the possibilities are endless.
Organize a Year-End Toy Drive
Through Child Saving Institute’s Substitute Santa program, you, your family, and/or company can put the happy in Happy Holidays for hundreds of children and teens who live in our community.
Join the Child Saving Institute Guild
The Child Saving Guild has been instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to benefit children and families. Consider joining this committed group of volunteers.
Program Volunteers
Volunteers must be at least 19 and receive training to prepare for different volunteer positions. This includes our much-valued Parent Education Partners, who provide childcare Wednesday and Thursday evenings, allowing parents to participate in parenting classes and engage in Foster Parent Networking.
Practicum, Internship & Service Learning Opportunities
If you are interested in completing your practicum, internship or service learning at Child Saving Institute, please forward your resume and a cover letter detailing your areas of interest and internship requirements to Lisa Blunt, lblunt@childsaving.org.