Underwriting Opportunities
Child Saving Institute (CSI) proudly presents Cabaret 2025 – A night of laughter, for good. Below are available underwriting opportunities to support this special event. Join us to help local children and families in need!
Two tables for 10 with premium seating
VIP reception for 20
Private table service with premium wine
Verbal recognition from emcee
Introduced on stage at the event
Recognition on social media
Logo featured on photo backdrop, invitation, program, onscreen slide, table sign, gobo, event signage and marketing emails and CSI website (with link)
Entertainment – $40,000
Premier seating for 10
Private table service
Premium table wine
VIP reception for 10
Logo displayed on event signage
Logo featured in event invitation
Logo featured in the event program
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Verbal recognition from the emcee
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
Recognition on social media
Cocktail Lounge – $20,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
VIP reception for 10
Private table service
Premium table wine
Logo displayed on event signage
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
Logo featured in the event program
Logo featured in event invitation
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Recognition on social media
VIP Lounge – $15,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
VIP reception for 10
Logo displayed on event signage
Logo featured in event invitation
Logo featured in the event program
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Verbal recognition from the emcee
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
Recognition on social media
Fill the Heart – $10,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
Logo displayed during Fill the Heart portion of program
Logo displayed on event signage
Logo featured in event invitation
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
VIP reception for 10
Logo featured in the event program
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Recognition on social media
Honorary Family – $10,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
VIP reception for 10
Logo displayed prior to video and verbal recognition from the emcee
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Logo with reciprocal link to company website featured on the Child Saving Institute website (Cabaret event page)
Name featured in the event program
Recognition on social media
Raffle – $7,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
VIP reception for 10
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Logo featured on raffle signage and raffle tickets
Name featured in the event program
Recognition on social media
Wine – $7,000
Premier seating for 10
VIP reception for 10
Logo featured on wine labels, placed at every table
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Name featured in the event program
Recognition on social media
Dessert – $6,500 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
Logo placement on dessert table sign
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Name featured in the event program
Recognition on social media
Registration – $5,000 [SOLD]
Premier seating for 10
Logo displayed at check-in tables
Logo placement in the event presentation slides and on table signage
Name featured in the event program
Photo Booth – $3,500
Logo displayed on photo booth backdrop
Please contact Maddie Hall, Events Project Manager, at mhall@childsaving.org or 402.763.6485 with questions or to secure your underwriting opportunity today.